国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
巴布亚新几内亚 |
新爱尔兰省 New lreland province |
据 8 月 2 日报道 , 在新爱兰省 Taron 东南部大约 34 公里处 , 发生 6.3 级地震 , 没有人员伤亡和财产损失 , 以及没有发出海啸预警 .A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has been reported approximately 34km south east of Taron, New Ireland province. No tsunami warning has been issued and there have been no immediate reports of damages or casualties. |
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地震 |
2 AUG 2012 |
泰国 |
北大年府 , 也拉 , 那拉提瓦 Narathiwat |
7 月 31 日在泰国北大年府 Muang 地区,发生一起针对北大年府 CS Pattani 酒店及邻近电力传输站的汽车爆炸事件,导致至少 3 人受伤,且致使该城市临时停电。 Thailand's government announced on 1 August that security would be heightened further in the country's restive southern provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat. |
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加强安保 |
31 JULY 2012 |
叙利亚 Syria |
阿勒颇 Aleppo |
7 月 31 日 , 叙利亚叛乱分之袭击了北部城市阿勒颇的 Salhin 和 Bab al-Nayrab 地区的警务人员及设施 . Rebels attacked police personnel and facilities in the Salhin and Bab al-Nayrab areas of Syria's northern city of Aleppo on 31 July. | ![]() |
叛军袭击警察部队 rebel attack on police forces |
31 JULY 2012 |
智利 Chile |
全国范围 Countrywide |
据 7 月 31 日报道 , 受到 LANexpress 航空公司员工的罢工影响 , 预计从 7 月 31 日起造成圣地亚哥的 Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez 国际机场服务中断 .A strike by workers of LANexpress airline is expected to result in continued disruptions at Santiago's Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport from 31 July. | ![]() |
航空公司工人罢工 Airline workers'strike |
31 JULY 2012 |
据 8 月 2 日报道 , 在新爱兰省 Taron 东南部大约 34 公里处 , 发生 6.3 级地震 , 没有人员伤亡和财产损失 , 以及没有发出海啸预警 .A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has been reported approximately 34km south east of Taron, New Ireland province. No tsunami warning has been issued and there have been no immediate reports of damages or casualties.
余震可能在受灾地区发生 , 客户应采取防震措施 , 包括按照当局的指示 . 建议客户留意当地媒体和紧急广播频道的更新消息 .Aftershocks are possible in the affected area and clients are advised to take the necessary precautions, including following the directives of the local authorities. Clients are further advised to monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the local authorities.
由于正发生的伊斯兰叛乱冲突事件 , 建议客此前不要前往也拉、那拉提瓦府、宋卡和北大年府旅游
7 月 31 日在泰国北大年府 Muang 地区,发生一起针对北大年府 CS Pattani 酒店及邻近电力传输站的汽车爆炸事件,导致至少 3 人受伤,且致使该城市临时停电。继 7 月 31 日和 8 月 1 日所发生的一系列事件后 , 8 月 1 日泰国政府宣布 , 将进一步加强对包括北大年府 , 也拉府和那拉提瓦在内的南部省份的安保工作 . Thailand's government announced on 1 August that security would be heightened further in the country's restive southern provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat. The announcement comes after a series of incidents in the region on 31 July and 1 August. On 31 July, a car bomb targeted the CS Pattani Hotel and adjacent electric power transmission station in Pattani city's Muang district. The blast injured at least three people and led to a temporary power outage across the city.
由于正发生的伊斯兰叛乱冲突事件 , 建议客此前不要前往也拉、那拉提瓦府、宋卡和北大年府旅游 , 当前身处该地区的游客应提高安全警惕和加强安全措施 , 特别是在剩余的斋月期 .Due to the ongoing Islamist insurgency and the high risks from conflict and terrorism, clients are advised against all travel to the provinces of Yala, Narathiwat, Songkhla and Pattani. Persons currently in the area should exercise heightened security awareness and implement robust security measures, particularly for the remainder of Ramadan.
7 月 31 日 , 叙利亚叛乱分之袭击了北部城市阿勒颇的 Salhin 和 Bab al-Nayrab 地区的警务人员及设施 . 袭击造成 40 名警务人员死亡 . 目前阿勒颇的冲突仍在继续 , 政府部队试图夺回北部城市 , 预计在短期内冲突将进一步升级 ,.Rebels attacked police personnel and facilities in the Salhin and Bab al-Nayrab areas of Syria's northern city of Aleppo on 31 July. According to opposition activists, the assault left 40 police personnel dead. Conflict in Aleppo has continued and is expected to escalate in the near-term as loyalist forces attempt to recapture the strategic northern city.
鉴于叙利亚不安局势 , 建议客户避免前往该国 , 在叙利亚的人士 , 宜通过商业途径尽快离开 .In light of the ongoing insecurity in Syria, clients are advised against all travel to the country. Persons in Syria are advised to depart via commercial means.
据 7 月 31 日报道 , 受到 LANexpress 航空公司员工的罢工影响 , 预计从 7 月 31 日起造成圣地亚哥的 Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez 国际机场服务中断 .A strike by workers of LANexpress airline is expected to result in continued disruptions at Santiago's Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport from 31 July.
客户计划通过 LANexpress 班机外出旅游的 , 建议直接联系旅行社或航空公司 , 以确认航班情况 .Clients planning to travel with LANexpress are advised to contact their travel provider or the airline directly to confirm the status of their flight(s)