国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
菲律宾 |
Sumisip 镇,和巴西兰省 Sumisip township,Basilan province |
据报道,7月26日,在菲律宾南部巴西兰省(位于棉兰老地区),安全部队与阿布沙耶夫武装分子发生突冲,造成至少11人丧生。 At least 11 people have reportedly been killed in clashes between security forces and suspected Abu Sayyaf militants in the southern Philippines' province of Basilan, located in the Mindanao region, on 26 July. |
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冲突 |
26 JULY 2012 |
印度 |
加尔各答 Kolkata |
7 月25日,加尔各答出租车从业员工会呼吁的士司机进行了24小时罢工. Taxi operators' unions have called on taxi drivers in Kolkata to hold a 24-hour strike on 25 July. |
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交通运输部门罢工 |
25 JULY 2012 |
所罗门群岛 Solomon Islands |
瓜达尔卡纳尔岛省 Guadalcanal Province |
7 月25日11:20分(当地时间22:20),所罗门群岛首都霍尼亚拉向西39公里处发生6.5级地震. A 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck 39km south west of Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, at approximately 11:20 GMT (22:20 local time) on 25 July. | ![]() |
地震 |
25 JULY 2012 |
柬埔寨 Cambodia |
全国的 Countrywide |
7 月23日,根据柬埔寨国家寄生虫、昆虫和疟疾控制中心报告,自2012年初以来,已接到超过15,600例登革热病例,其中已有60多人死亡. According to the National Centre for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control, over 15,600 cases of dengue fever and at least 60 related fatalities have been reported across Cambodia since the beginning of 2012. | ![]() |
登革热疫情 Dengue fever outbreak |
23 JULY 2012 |
据报道,7月26日,在菲律宾南部巴西兰省(位于棉兰老地区),安全部队与阿布沙耶夫武装分子发生突冲,造成至少11人丧生。 At least 11 people have reportedly been killed in clashes between security forces and suspected Abu Sayyaf militants in the southern Philippines' province of Basilan, located in the Mindanao region, on 26 July.
提醒:由于反政府武装和恐怖分子的部署仍在进行,且这些团体和菲律宾军方经常发生冲突,建议客户避免前往菲律宾南部棉兰老地区及苏禄群岛. Advice: Clients are advised against all travel to the southern Philippines region of Mindanao, including the Sulu Archipelago, due to ongoing operations by rebels and terrorists, as well as regular clashes between these groups and the Philippine military.
7 月25日和31日,加尔各答全市出租车和公交车服务将严重短缺
7 月25日,加尔各答出租车从业员工会呼吁的士司机进行了24小时罢工.另外,由孟加拉巴士集团管理的的15个私家巴士公司也计划于7月31日在加尔各答进行持续24小时的罢工. Taxi operators' unions have called on taxi drivers in Kolkata to hold a 24-hour strike on 25 July. In addition, employees of 15 private bus companies led by the Bengal Bus Syndicate are set to strike for 24 hours on 31 July in Kolkata.
7 月25日和31日,加尔各答全市出租车和公交车服务将严重短缺,此外,也可能出现道路拥堵.因此提醒在加尔各答的游客注意提前预防,以免造成旅程延误或中断 .Clients in Kolkata should expect severe shortages in taxi and bus services across the city on 25 and 31 July, respectively. In addition, clients should anticipate increased road congestion, and as such, potential travel delays across Kolkata on the respective days.
7 月25日11:20分(当地时间22:20),所罗门群岛首都霍尼亚拉向西39公里处发生6.5级地震.目前尚未报出有人员伤亡或财产损失的消息,且未有进一步的海啸预警 .A 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck 39km south west of Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, at approximately 11:20 GMT (22:20 local time) on 25 July.There have been no casualties or damage reported. No tsunami warnings have been issued.
建议,在受灾地区的客户应留意当地媒体和当局发布的最新消息及预警信息. Advice: Clients in the affected region are advised to monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the authorities.
7 月23日,根据柬埔寨国家寄生虫、昆虫和疟疾控制中心报告,自2012年初以来,已接到超过15,600例登革热病例,其中已有60多人死亡.受疾病影响最为严重的省包括Banteay Meanchey、Siem Reap和Kampong Tom,其死亡人数分别为14人、7人和6人。 According to the National Centre for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control, over 15,600 cases of dengue fever and at least 60 related fatalities have been reported across Cambodia since the beginning of 2012. The provinces of Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap and Kampong Thom have been worst affected with 14, 7 and 6 deaths occurring in these provinces respectively.
建议到柬埔寨旅游的客户,应采取预防措施,防止被蚊子叮咬传播疾病,包括使用驱蚊剂,穿长袖衬衫和长裤,尤其是在蚊子最活跃的黄昏和黎明时间,如出现症状,应立即就医. Clients travelling to Cambodia are advised to take precautions against being bitten by mosquitoes, including using insect repellent and wearing long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, particularly at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are generally most active. Individuals exhibiting the above-mentioned symptoms are advised to consult a medical practitioner immediately.