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Near Mumbai,Maharashtra state

7 月19,在印度西部马哈拉施特拉邦,一辆EMU动车与Vidarbha特快客运列车相撞,造成至少325. At least three people were killed and 25 others injured in a train collision between an EMU train and a Vidarbha Express passenger train in India's western Maharashtra state on 19 July.

建议目前 Clients currently in:...

Rail accident

19 JULY 2012



7 月18,在叙利亚首都大马士革Rawda区国家安全总部附近发生爆炸事件,造成多人伤亡. An explosion at the National Security headquarters in the Rawda area of Syria's capital, Damascus, resulted in a number of casualties on 18 July. 

出于安全考虑 Due to numerous :...

Several senior government personnel killed

18 JULY 2012
South Korea
Jeju Island
718日报道,热带风暴卡努,预计将影响未来24小时内韩国南部的济州岛,济州及韩国的南部和西部地区将出现暴雨.Tropical Storm Khanun is expected to affect South Korea's southern Jeju Island within the next 24 hours. The tropical storm is forecast to bring heavy rain to Jeju as well as to the south and western parts of mainland South Korea. 建议目前  Clients currently in:...

Tropical storm

18 JULY 2012
Bicol region
716日报道,20121月以来,菲律宾比科尔地区的持续霍乱已导致至少30人死亡,3100人受感染. An ongoing cholera outbreak has resulted in at least 30 fatalities and infected as many as 3,100 others in the Bicol region of the Philippines since January 2012.  建议客户   Furthermore:... 疾病爆发 
Disease outbreak
16 JULY 2012

7 月19,在印度西部马哈拉施特拉邦,一辆EMU动车与Vidarbha特快客运列车相撞,造成至少325.事故发生在Mumbai-Kasara线的KasaraUmbermail镇之间路段.由于现场清理正在进行中,目前该线路暂停服务.  At least three people were killed and 25 others injured in a train collision between an EMU train and a Vidarbha Express passenger train in India's western Maharashtra state on 19 July. The collision took place between the towns of Kasara and Umbermali along the Mumbai-Kasara route.Rail services along the route have been suspended as emergency services are on site to remove the damaged coaches.Rail services along the route have been suspended.

建议目前在马哈拉施特拉邦打算乘坐火车出行的游客,请联系当地相关部门确认铁路运营信息.另外,预计孟买附近的铁路交通将受到影响,可能存在交通延迟和中断.  Clients currently in the Maharashtra state intending to travel by train are advised to contact local transport authorities to confirm the status of rail services in the wider region. Delays and disruptions to services around Mumbai should be expected.



7 月18,在叙利亚首都大马士革Rawda区国家安全总部附近发生爆炸事件,造成多人伤亡.死亡人数中有几名高级内阁官员,其中包括国防部长及副部长.为消除日益严重的叛乱威胁,此类斗争事件预计在大马士革和该国其他地区将持续和进一步加剧 .An explosion at the National Security headquarters in the Rawda area of Syria's capital, Damascus, resulted in a number of casualties on 18 July. Among the fatalities are several high-ranking cabinet ministers, including the defence and deputy defence ministers.The fighting in Damascus and elsewhere in the country is expected to continue and may intensify further in the short-term as the regime aims to eradicate the growing rebel threat.

出于安全考虑,建议客户停止去往该地区,已身处该国的客户,宜通过商业途径离开.此外,在该国首都的客户请避免夜间外出,及避免去受冲突影响大的地区.预离开该城市的客户,若所处位置远离机场,应考虑推迟行程至局势平静时再行动.  Due to numerous security concerns, clients are advised against all travel to Syria. Persons in the country are advised to depart via commercial means. In addition, clients in the capital are advised to limit movement at night and in conflict-affected areas. Persons intending to depart the city, particularly those located a long distance from the airport, should consider delaying departure until the situation calms.


718日报道,热带风暴卡努,预计将影响未来24小时内韩国南部的济州岛,济州及韩国的南部和西部地区将出现暴雨. Tropical Storm Khanun is expected to affect South Korea's southern Jeju Island within the next 24 hours. The tropical storm is forecast to bring heavy rain to Jeju as well as to the south and western parts of mainland South Korea.

建议目前在受影响地区的客户谨防暴雨及暴雨引发洪水的可能.请客户留意当局和媒体发布的消息. Advice: Clients currently in the affected areas are advised to exercise caution due to the possibility of flooding and storm surges. Clients are also advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories from the authorities


716日报道,20121月以来,菲律宾比科尔地区的持续霍乱已导致至少30人死亡,3100人受感染.受影响最严重的地区包括卡坦端省和卡马里内斯苏尔省;该地区水源性疾病共死亡14,两省各有7.  An ongoing cholera outbreak has resulted in at least 30 fatalities and infected as many as 3,100 others in the Bicol region of the Philippines since January 2012. Areas worst affected include the provinces of Catanduanes and Camarines Sur; the waterborne disease led to the deaths of 14 and seven people in these provinces respectively.

建议客户应避免购买摊贩出售的食品和饮料,避免饮用未经消毒的牛奶等存在霍乱病菌污染的高风险食品.  Advice: Furthermore, clients should refrain from buying food and beverages sold by street vendors and avoid drinking unpasteurised milk as such foodstuffs carry an elevated risk of being contaminated with the cholera bacterium.


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