国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
斯里兰卡 |
全国范围 Countrywide |
斯里兰卡的国营供电公司——锡兰电力,8月16日起每日延长一小时拉闸停电时间.如此以来每日停电时长将共达3小时20分钟,此次停电预计将持续至8月27日,受停电影响地区包括该国首都科伦坡,以及遍布全国的78个城镇和村庄。 Sri Lanka's state-run power supplier, Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), has extended the length of daily nationwide power cuts by one hour beginning on 16 August; this will effectively bring the total time to three hours and 20 minutes a day. |
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停电 |
16 AUG 2012 |
菲律宾 |
北部地区 |
据8月16日报道,受热带风暴"启德"的影响,菲律宾北部发生洪水和山体滑坡,造成至少8人死亡,近9万人流离失所.洪水造成吕宋岛一些道路和桥梁仍然无法通行.At least eight people have been killed and nearly 90,000 displaced throughout the northern Philippines as a result of flooding and landslides caused by Tropical Storm Kai-Tak on 16 August. A number of roads and bridges on Luzon island remain impassable due to flooding. |
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热带风暴 |
16 AUG 2012 |
保加利亚 Bulgaria |
索非亚 Sofia |
在8月16日,保加利亚首都索非亚Lozenets区发生小规模爆炸事件导致该地安全性加剧。 Security was significantly heightened in the Lozenets district of Bulgaria's capital, Sofia, following a small-scale bombing on 16 August. | ![]() |
炸弹爆炸事件 |
16 AUG 2012 |
美国 United States |
达拉斯,德克萨斯州 Dallas, Texas |
8月15日报,美国达拉斯连续发生以蚊虫为传播媒介的西尼罗河病毒疫情,当局宣布该区进入紧急状态.自2012年初以来,这种病毒传播已造成26多人死亡,700人感染,42个州受影响.据统计,德克萨斯州的感染者及死亡人数(16人死于该病毒疾病)几乎占全国的一半. A state of emergency has been declared in Dallas amid an ongoing outbreak of the mosquito-born West Nile virus. At least 26 people have died and 700 others have been infected in the outbreak which has affected 42 states since the beginning of 2012. Nearly half of all infections have been reported in Texas with at least 16 deaths attributed to the disease across the state. | ![]() |
疾病爆发 Disease outbreak |
15 AUG 2012 |
斯里兰卡的国营供电公司——锡兰电力,8月16日起每日延长一小时拉闸停电时间.如此以来每日停电时长将共达3小时20分钟,此次停电预计将持续至8月27日,受停电影响地区包括该国首都科伦坡,以及遍布全国的78个城镇和村庄。停电分三个不同时段进行,相关地区停电时间分别为当地时间08:00至11:20,11:20至14:40, 14:40至18:00.地方当局同时表示,停电会影响饮用水抽水.Sri Lanka's state-run power supplier, Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), has extended the length of daily nationwide power cuts by one hour beginning on 16 August; this will effectively bring the total time to three hours and 20 minutes a day. Power cuts are currently affecting the commercial capital, Colombo, and 78 other towns and villages across the country and are expected to continue until at least 27 August.The power disruptions are being organised in three separate time blocks, with different areas being affected from 08:00 to 11:20, 11:20 to 14:40, and 14:40 to 18:00 local time. Local authorities have stated that the power cuts are also affecting the pumping of drinking water.
在斯里兰卡的客户,应根据停电规定做相关准备,停电可能造成瓶装水短缺,建议客户可囤积充足饮用水以防供水不足.Persons in Sri Lanka are advised to anticipate and make provisions for the planned power disruptions. Clients are advised to expect possible shortages of bottled water and should stock up adequately on all water supplies to limit the impact of the power cuts on the water supply.
据8月16日报道,受热带风暴"启德"的影响,菲律宾北部发生洪水和山体滑坡,造成至少8人死亡,近9万人流离失所.洪水造成吕宋岛一些道路和桥梁仍然无法通行.At least eight people have been killed and nearly 90,000 displaced throughout the northern Philippines as a result of flooding and landslides caused by Tropical Storm Kai-Tak on 16 August. A number of roads and bridges on Luzon island remain impassable due to flooding.
建议在受山洪影响地区的客户,出行应谨慎,留意当地媒体发布的更新消息和当局发布的公告.Clients in the affected areas are advised to exercise caution in flood-prone areas due to the risk of flooding,clients are further advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories from the authorities.
在8月16日,保加利亚首都索非亚Lozenets区发生小规模爆炸事件导致该地安全性加剧。当地时间4:30分,在该区一家很受欢迎的餐厅外面有自制炸弹被引爆,造成至少4人受伤。当局表示投弹行为有可能是有目的的犯罪行为,目前事发地已被暂时封锁。Security was significantly heightened in the Lozenets district of Bulgaria's capital, Sofia, following a small-scale bombing on 16 August. The low-yield explosive device was detonated outside of a popular restaurant in the district at approximately 04:30 local time; the surrounding area had been temporarily cordoned off. At least four people sustained minor injuries in the incident. local authorities have stated that the bombing was most likely criminally motivated.
The low-yield explosive device was detonated outside of a popular restaurant in the district at approximately 04:30 local time; the surrounding area had been temporarily cordoned off. At least four people sustained minor injuries in the incident. local authorities have stated that the bombing was most likely criminally motivated.
建议在索非亚的客户提高安全警惕,发现可疑的包裹、人或行为,应立即报警。Clients in Sofia are advised to exercise heightened security awareness and report all suspicious packages, persons and/or behaviour to the relevant authorities.
8月15日报,美国达拉斯连续发生以蚊虫为传播媒介的西尼罗河病毒疫情,当局宣布该区进入紧急状态.自2012年初以来,这种病毒传播已造成26多人死亡,700人感染,42个州受影响.据统计,德克萨斯州的感染者及死亡人数(16人死于该病毒疾病)几乎占全国的一半.受灾最严重的州包括德克萨斯州,密西西比州,路易斯安那州,俄克拉何马州以及加利福尼亚州的萨克拉曼多和纽约市.A state of emergency has been declared in Dallas amid an ongoing outbreak of the mosquito-born West Nile virus. At least 26 people have died and 700 others have been infected in the outbreak which has affected 42 states since the beginning of 2012. Nearly half of all infections have been reported in Texas with at least 16 deaths attributed to the disease across the state.The worst affected states include Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma as well as Sacramento, in California, and New York City.
在美国的客户应采取预防措施,防止被蚊子叮咬.如使用驱蚊剂,穿长袖衬衫.客户应留意病症,包括发烧,头痛,颈项强直,寒战,神志不清,嗜睡及类似流感的症状.如有症状,应立即就医.生.Clients in the US are advised to take precautions against being bitten by mosquitoes, such as using mosquito repellent and wearing long-sleeve shirts. Clients are advised to remain aware of the symptoms of the virus, which include fever, headache, neck stiffness, chills, confusion, lethargy and flu-like symptoms. If symptoms do occur, a medical practitioner should be consulted immediately