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76日报道,停电事件造成多伦多市中心数千人受到影响,并造成旅行中断. A power outage is affecting thousands of people in downtown Toronto and has resulted in widespread travel disruptions. 

多伦多受 Clients in Toronto:...

Amenities failure

6 JULY 2012



74日报道,柬埔寨南部爆发一种不知名疾病,414日以来,已造成至少60名儿童死亡. According to reports on 4 July, an outbreak of an unknown illness has resulted in the deaths of at least 60 children since April in 14, mostly southern, provinces of Cambodia.

  Clients in Cambodia:...

Disease outbreak

4 JULY 2012
New Zealand
73日报道,新西兰北岛南部西海岸发生6.2级地震,震心位于New Plymouth西南部100公里处.暂时没有人员死亡、财产损夫报告,或海啸预警.  A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has been reported off the south western coast of New Zealand's North Island; the epicentre of the tremor was reportedly some 100km south west of New Plymouth, located in the Taranaki region. There have been no reports of damages or fatalities, and no tsunami warning has been issued. 建议在 Clients in the affected:...


3 JULY 2012
7 月2日下午1830分左右,在阿富汗的坎大哈市附近大学发生自杀式汽车爆炸事件,造成7人死亡,23人受伤. At least seven people were killed and a further 23 injured in a suicide car bombing in Afghanistan's city of Kandahar on 2 July. 暂时不建议 clients are advised against:... 自杀式汽车炸弹爆炸 
Suicide car bombing
2 JULY 2012
多伦多受停电影响的地区 , 可能造成旅行中断.包括公共交通.

76日报道,停电事件造成多伦多市中心数千人受到影响,并造成旅行中断.据说停电原因是电站设备过热造成.受影响范围从卡尔顿街以北,皇后码头以西和Bayview大街以东.皮尔逊国际机场尚未受到停电影响,有关电力恢复时间尚不明确.  A power outage is affecting thousands of people in downtown Toronto and has resulted in widespread travel disruptions. 
The power outage was reportedly caused by equipment at a substation overheating. The area affected ranges from Carlton Street to the north, Queens Quay to the south, York Street to the west and Bayview Avenue to the east. Pearson International Airport has not been affected by the outage.It currently remains unclear when the power will be restored.

多伦多受停电影响的地区 , 可能造成旅行中断.包括公共交通.  Clients in Toronto are advised to expect travel disruptions, including to public transportation, in the affected area.



74日报道,柬埔寨南部爆发一种不知名疾病,414日以来,已造成至少60名儿童死亡.现阶段,疾病主要影响年龄在10岁以下的儿童.病症包括高烧引发脑炎,和严重的呼吸问题.至今天为止,医院共收治此类病症儿童62,其中61人死亡. According to reports on 4 July, an outbreak of an unknown illness has resulted in the deaths of at least 60 children since April in 14, mostly southern, provinces of Cambodia. At this stage, the illness has affected children under the age of ten. Symptoms include high fever, followed by encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain, and severe respiratory problems. To date, 61 of the 62 children admitted to hospital with these symptoms have died.

建议在柬埔寨的客户应密切留意子女的健康.如果出现任何上述症状,应立即咨询医生.  Clients in Cambodia with children are advised to closely monitor the health of their children If exhibiting any of the aforementioned symptoms, clients are advised to consult a medical practitioner immediately


73日报道,新西兰北岛南部西海岸发生6.2级地震,震心位于New Plymouth西南部100公里处.暂时没有人员死亡、财产损夫报告,或海啸预警.  A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has been reported off the south western coast of New Zealand's North Island; the epicentre of the tremor was reportedly some 100km south west of New Plymouth, located in the Taranaki region. There have been no reports of damages or fatalities, and no tsunami warning has been issued.

建议在受灾地区的客户应做好防范余震,并留意当地媒体报道及紧急广播频道的更新建议. Clients in the affected region are advised to brace for aftershocks, and should monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the local authorities


7 月2日下午1830分左右,在阿富汗的坎大哈市附近大学发生自杀式汽车爆炸事件,造成7人死亡,23人受伤.此次事件是有针对性的攻击,目前尚未有任何组织声称对这起袭击事件负责. At least seven people were killed and a further 23 injured in a suicide car bombing in Afghanistan's city of Kandahar on 2 July. The explosion took place near Kandahar University at approximately 18:30 local time. The attack appears to have targeted a vehicle carrying military personnel. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack as yet.

建议目前在该地区或正计划前往该地区的客户应随时加强安全防范措施,并避免前往宗教朝圣区,包括教堂,政府大楼和安全防护设施在内的地方都是恐怖份子实施袭击的目标. Clients currently in or who are intending to travel to the region are advised to implement robust security precautions at all times and to defer travel to religious places of worship, government buildings and security installations, which are all assessed as being at an elevated threat of being targeted in a terrorist attack.


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