国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
中国 |
中国东南部,香港和澳门 South east China, Hong Kong and Macau |
据6月29日报道,热带风暴Doksuri预计在未来24小时内将登陆中国东南部. Tropical Storm Doksuri is expected to affect south eastern China, Hong Kong and Macau within the next 24 hours. |
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热带风暴 |
29 JUNE 2012 |
所罗门群岛 |
霍尼亚拉 Honiara |
所罗门群岛将于7月1日至14日在首都霍尼亚拉举办第11届太平洋艺术节. The Solomon Islands is set to host the 11th Festival of Pacific Arts from 1 to 14 July in the capital, Honiara. |
![]() Clients in Honiara:... |
即将发生的事件 |
1-14 JULY 2012 |
孟加拉国 Bangladesh |
吉大港和锡尔赫特 Chittagong and Sylhet |
6 月27日报道,孟加拉国发生山体滑坡和洪水造成至少69人死亡.受灾最严重的地区在该国东南部,包括吉大港,科克斯巴扎尔和班达尔班. (Update) According to reports on 27 June, at least 69 people have been killed in landslides and other flood-related incidents across Bangladesh; the worst affected districts are in the south east of the country and include Chittagong, Cox's Bazar and Bandarban. | ![]() |
洪水 |
27 JUNE 2012 |
泰国 Thailand |
拉差阿帕森购物大道,民主纪念碑 Democracy Monument on Ratchaprasong Avenue, Phra Nakhon district |
据报道,曼谷安全问题加剧,反独裁民主联合阵线的支持者,又称"红衫军",定于6月24日抗议集会,在拉差阿帕森购物大道上的民主纪念碑附近举行,数以万计的抗议者预计将参加这次盛会,届时警察部队将在附近进行安全部署。 Security has been heightened in the capital, Bangkok, ahead of a protest rally by supporters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), also known as the 'red shirts', scheduled for 24 June. | ![]() Clients in or planning to :... |
计划抗议 Planned protest |
24 JUNE 2012 |
印度 India |
阿萨姆邦 Assam state |
在印度东北部的阿萨姆邦,受季风降雨引发的严重洪涝灾害已造成20万人受影响. Dhemaji,Lakhimpur,Sonitpur,Dibrugarh,Sivasagar,Jorhat 和 Tinsukia. | ![]() |
洪水 |
26 JUNE 2012 |
据6月29日报道,热带风暴Doksuri预计在未来24小时内将登陆中国东南部.从目前风暴的移动路径看,受影响最大的地区包括广东省,香港及澳门,此外福建、海南及广西也将可能遭受恶劣天气的影响. Tropical Storm Doksuri is expected to affect south eastern China, Hong Kong and Macau within the next 24 hours. The storm's current path suggests that Guangdong province, Hong Kong and Macau will be worst impacted; however, the Chinese provinces of Fujian and Hainan province, as well as the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region may also experience the adverse effects of the weather system.
提醒在受灾地区 ( 特别是在低洼地区 ) 的客户加以防范 , 密切留意当地媒体发布天气的更新消息. Clients in the affected areas are advised to exercise caution, especially in low-lying areas. Clients are further advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories from authorities.
所罗门群岛将于7月1日至14日在首都霍尼亚拉举办第11届太平洋艺术节.本次活动将有来自27个国家的3000多名演员参与,并将吸引众多邻国游人. The Solomon Islands is set to host the 11th Festival of Pacific Arts from 1 to 14 July in the capital, Honiara. The event is expected to attract more than 3,000 performers from 27 countries, in addition to numerous visitors from neighbouring countries.
建议身在霍尼亚拉的客户,在节日期间应提高安全意识,出行游客预见导致行程中断的可能. Clients in Honiara for the duration of the festival are advised to exercise vigilance at all times and anticipate travel disruptions.
6 月27日报道,孟加拉国发生山体滑坡和洪水造成至少69人死亡.受灾最严重的地区在该国东南部,包括吉大港,科克斯巴扎尔和班达尔班.该国东北部的锡尔赫特周边地区也同样受到影响.主要的道路、铁路和航空受阻中断,目前军队已经展开救援. (Update) According to reports on 27 June, at least 69 people have been killed in landslides and other flood-related incidents across Bangladesh; the worst affected districts are in the south east of the country and include Chittagong, Cox's Bazar and Bandarban. Regions in the vicinity of Sylhet in the north east of the country have also been affected. The army has been deployed to aid in rescue efforts. Significant disruptions to road, rail and air travel have been reported.
建议在江,河等低洼地区的客户须格外注意安全.计划在短期内到达或离开该国的客户,应及时联系航空公司确认航班信息. Clients are advised to exercise extreme caution in the vicinity of river and creek beds,low-lying areas and near dams as well as in hilly regions due to the respective threats posed by flash floods and landslides.the clients planning to arrive or depart from the airport in the short-term are advised to contact their airline or the airport for further details on the status of their flight(s).
据报道,曼谷安全问题加剧,反独裁民主联合阵线的支持者,又称"红衫军",定于6月24日抗议集会,在拉差阿帕森购物大道上的民主纪念碑附近举行,数以万计的抗议者预计将参加这次盛会,届时警察部队将在附近进行安全部署。 Security has been heightened in the capital, Bangkok, ahead of a protest rally by supporters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), also known as the 'red shirts', scheduled for 24 June. Additional police force members will be deployed to the vicinity of the rally, which is expected to be held near the Democracy Monument on Ratchaprasong Avenue, in the central Phra Nakhon district. Tens of thousands of protesters are expected to attend the event.
建议计划6月24日前往曼谷旅行的客户,应避免前往Phra Nakhon民主纪念碑附近. Clients in or planning to travel to Bangkok on 24 June are advised to avoid travel to the vicinity of the Democracy Monument, in Phra Nakhon district.
在印度东北部的阿萨姆邦,受季风降雨引发的严重洪涝灾害已造成20万人受影响.据6月26日报道,洪水造成死亡人数上升至13人.受灾最严重的地区包括东北地区的 Dhemaji,Lakhimpur,Sonitpur,Dibrugarh,Sivasagar,Jorhat 和 Tinsukia. Over 200,000 people have been affected by severe flooding, triggered by heavy monsoon rains, in India's north eastern state of Assam. Five flood-related deaths were reported on 26 June, bringing the death toll up to 13. The worst affected areas include the north eastern districts of Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Sonitpur, Dibrugarh, Sivasagar, Jorhat and Tinsukia.
出于安全考虑,建议客户取消前往阿萨姆邦非必要的旅行.预计在短期内整个受灾地区旅行线路将受阻. Due to various security concerns,clients are advised against all non-essential travel to Assam state.Clients are further advised to expect significant travel disruptions across the affected districts in the short term.