国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
美国 |
明尼苏达州东北部 North eastern Minnesota |
6 月20日明尼苏达州东北部宣布暴雨和洪水紧急状态,受灾区包括: Aitkin,Carlton,Cook,Dakota,Goodhue,Lake,Rice 和 St Louis . A state of emergency has been declared in various counties in north eastern Minnesota amid heavy rainfall and flooding on 20 June. |
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洪水 |
20 JUNE 2012 |
巴基斯坦 |
Punjab 省 Punjab province |
6 月19日,巴基斯坦Punjab省,抗议停电的示威活动已经持续三天,该省kamalia镇的一位政府官员住所被上千名暴徒洗劫一空,示威者与警察之间的冲突也已造成至少30人受伤. Demonstrations in protest against power cuts continued for a third day on 19 June in Punjab province, Pakistan. On 19 June |
![]() Visitors in Pakistan :... |
内乱 |
19 JUNE 2012 |
比哈尔邦 Bihar state |
孟加拉邦 West Bengal |
据 6 月 18 日报道 , 印度北部的比哈尔邦持续爆发急性脑炎综合症(AES),自5月27日第一例被证实在该地区爆发的疫情以来,死亡人数已超过159人,现在人数仍在持续上升。 Casualty numbers continue to rise due to an ongoing outbreak of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in India's northern state of Bihar. The outbreak has resulted in the deaths of at least 159 people since the first case was confirmed in the region on 27 May. | ![]() |
脑炎疫情 |
18 JUNE 2012 |
尼日利亚 Nigeria |
卡杜纳州 Kaduna state |
6 月17日,在尼日利亚北部卡杜纳州市卡杜纳和扎里亚发生三起针对教堂的炸弹袭击,造成至少36人死亡,30多人受伤. At least 36 people were killed and more than 30 others wounded on 17 June following three separate bomb attacks which all targeted churches in the cities of Kaduna and Zaria, both located in Nigeria's northern Kaduna state. | ![]() Clients in the affected areas:... |
火灾 Wildfire 炸弹袭击 Bomb attacks |
17 JUNE 2012 |
6 月20日明尼苏达州东北部宣布暴雨和洪水紧急状态,受灾区包括:Aitkin,Carlton,Cook,Dakota,Goodhue,Lake,Rice 和 St Louis . 特别是位于St Louis郡的德卢斯市,受暴雨和洪水的影响显著,造成大范围的财产破坏和旅行中断,多达60条道城市道路已被封闭,从德卢斯的丰迪拉克疏散人数至少250人。
A state of emergency has been declared in various counties in north eastern Minnesota amid heavy rainfall and flooding on 20 June. The affected counties include Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Dakota, Goodhue, Lake, Rice and St Louis. The city of Duluth, located in St Louis County, has been significantly affected by heavy rainfall and flash flooding, causing extensive damage to property and resulting in travel disruptions;up to 60 roads in the city has since been closed. At least 250 people were evacuated from Duluth's Fond du Lac neighbourhood .
建议目前在受灾地区的客户推迟前往低洼地区的旅行,客户还应留意当局媒体最新的天气预报,并遵循撤离的命令 .Clients currently in the affected areas are advised to defer travel to low-lying areas in the short-term. Clients should also monitor local media for weather updates and advisories from the authorities and should follow all evacuation orders.
6 月19日,巴基斯坦Punjab省,抗议停电的示威活动已经持续三天,该省kamalia镇的一位政府官员住所被上千名暴徒洗劫一空,示威者与警察之间的冲突也已造成至少30人受伤.此外,据报道,在附近的哈内瓦尔区,示威者试图攻击当地的电力公司,为防止骚乱,警方发射催泪弹驱散人群. Demonstrations in protest against power cuts continued for a third day on 19 June in Punjab province, Pakistan. On 19 June, a politician's residence in the Punjab town of Kamalia was ransacked by thousands of rioters. Clashes between protesters and police in Kamalia during the course of the day also left at least 30 people wounded. In addition, rioting was reported in the nearby Khanewal district, where protesters attempted to attack the offices of a local power company but were prevented from doing so by police who fired tear gas to disperse the crowds.
建议在巴基斯坦,特别是在Punjab省的旅客,应密切监测事态发展,应避免参与游街示威. Visitors in Pakistan, particularly in Punjab province, are advised to monitor political developments closely. All street demonstrations should be avoided.
据 6 月 18 日报道 , 印度北部的比哈尔邦持续爆发急性脑炎综合症(AES),自5月27日第一例被证实在该地区爆发的疫情以来,死亡人数已超过159人,现在人数仍在持续上升。.受灾最严重的地区是穆扎法尔布尔区,此外高风险地区还包括: Patna, Gaya, Sitamarhi, Champaran 东部和 Vaishali .
Casualty numbers continue to rise due to an ongoing outbreak of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in India's northern state of Bihar. The outbreak has resulted in the deaths of at least 159 people since the first case was confirmed in the region on 27 May. The worst-affected area is the Muzaffarpur district, although several other districts have also been identified as being high-risk areas; these include Patna, Gaya, Sitamarhi, East Champaran and Vaishali.
建议在受灾地区的客户饮用瓶装水或纯净水,不要购买街边小贩出售的食品和饮料,以减少接触病毒的危险.如果客户遇到突然发热,剧烈头痛,颈部僵硬,恶心等症状,应立即就医. Clients in affected districts are advised to only consume bottled water or water which has been purified. It is further recommended that all food and beverages sold by street vendors be avoided as this may increase the risk of exposure to the virus. Finally, clients experiencing symptoms such as a sudden onset of fever, intense headache, stiff neck, nausea should consult a medical practitioner immediately.
6 月17日,在尼日利亚北部卡杜纳州市卡杜纳和扎里亚发生三起针对教堂的炸弹袭击,造成至少36人死亡,30多人受伤. At least 36 people were killed and more than 30 others wounded on 17 June following three separate bomb attacks which all targeted churches in the cities of Kaduna and Zaria, both located in Nigeria's northern Kaduna state.
建议目前在该地区或正计划前往该地区的客户应随时加强安全防范措施,并避免前往宗教朝圣区,包括教堂,政府大楼和安全防护设施在内的地方都是恐怖份子实施袭击的目标. Clients currently in or who are intending to travel to the region are advised to implement robust security precautions at all times and to defer travel to religious places of worship, government buildings and security installations, which are all assessed as being at an elevated threat of being targeted in a terrorist attack.