国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
美国 |
中部和北部 |
据2月21日报道,冬季风暴当前正影响着美国堪萨斯州,内布拉斯加州,密苏里州,爱荷华州,科罗拉多州东北部和南达科他州的南部. A winter storm is currently affecting central and northern parts of the US, including Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, north eastern Colorado and southern areas of South Dakota. |
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冬季风暴 |
21 FEB 2013 |
印度尼西亚 |
南苏门答腊省South Sumatra province |
据2月21日报道, 受山洪暴发和山体滑坡影响,已超过600人被从Musi Banyuasin Regency转移 More than 600 people have been displaced due to flash floods and landslides in the Musi Banyuasin Regency in Indonesia's South Sumatra province, according to reports on 21 February. |
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洪水和山体滑坡 |
21 FEB 2013 |
德国 Germany |
汉堡机场 Hamburg Airport |
由于机场安检人员持续24小时罢工行动的影响,20日,德国汉堡机场发生航班中断.预计航班最早将2月21日恢复正常.Flight disruptions are expected at Hamburg Airport in Hamburg, Germany on 20 February due to a 24-hour strike by security personnel. | ![]() |
罢工 |
20 FEB 2013 |
据2月21日报道,冬季风暴当前正影响着美国堪萨斯州,内布拉斯加州,密苏里州,爱荷华州,科罗拉多州东北部和南达科他州的南部.自2月20日以来,强风、冰雹和大雪的来临,上述地区的公路和铁路交通受到了影响.A winter storm is currently affecting central and northern parts of the US, including Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, north eastern Colorado and southern areas of South Dakota. Strong winds, hail and snow have impact on road and rail traffic in these states since late 20 February.
建议在上述地区的客户,应审慎行事,为未来48小时内可能的旅行中断做好准备.并且应留意当地媒体的最新天气报告及当局的劝告.Clients in the above-mentioned regions are advised to exercise caution, and prepare for travel disruptions within the next 48 hours. Local media should be monitored for updates and advisories from authorities.
据2月21日报道, 受山洪暴发和山体滑坡影响,已超过600人被从Musi Banyuasin Regency转移.由于过去两个星期连续大雨,导致河水溢出,引发多处山体滑坡.其它受影响的地区还包括 Muara Enim、Musi Rawas、Ogan llir以及Ogan Komering Ulu Timur.
More than 600 people have been displaced due to flash floods and landslides in the Musi Banyuasin Regency in Indonesia's South Sumatra province, according to reports on 21 February. Heavy rains over the past two weeks caused rivers to overflow and triggered numerous landslides in the wider region.Other affected areas in the province include the regencies of Banyuasin, Muara Enim, Musi Rawas, Ogan Ilir, as well as the Ogan Komering Ulu Timur area.
由于机场安检人员持续24小时罢工行动的影响,20日,德国汉堡机场发生航班中断.预计航班最早将2月21日恢复正常.Flight disruptions are expected at Hamburg Airport in Hamburg, Germany on 20 February due to a 24-hour strike by security personnel. Flight disruptions are likely to persist early on 21 February after the conclusion of the strike while the backlog of flights is cleared.
有计划2月20日和21日通过汉堡机场过境的客户,建议提前与航空公司或旅行社询问航班状态.Clients intending to transit through Hamburg Airport on 20 and 21 February are advised to contact their airline or travel provider to enquire about the status of their flights