国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
南美 |
多个国家 |
南美多国,每年在2月9日至12日期间举办官方庆祝狂欢节活动。 Official festivities associated with the annual carnival are set to take place in several South American countries between 9 and 12 February |
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狂欢节 |
9 FEB 2013 |
印度 |
特里普拉邦 |
印度东北部特里普拉邦,将于2月14日举行议会选举 Legislative elections are due to be held on 14 February in India's north eastern state of Tripura. |
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恐怖主义和暴力威胁加剧 |
14 FEB 2013 |
尼日利亚 Nigeria |
几内湾 Gulf of Guinea |
2月6日,几内亚湾发生一起武装分子海盗事件,一名菲律宾籍公民被杀害,另有几名同行的人现正在送返途中。 6 February that armed gunmen killed a Philippine national in a piracy incident in the Gulf of Guinea | ![]() |
外国人被杀害 |
6 FEB 2013 |
南美多国,每年在2月9日至12日期间举办官方庆祝狂欢节活动。预计巴西里约热内卢可能将举办大规模的庆祝活动,哥伦比亚巴兰基亚的狂欢节也将是该地区最大的庆祝活动之一,此外的其它地方,如阿根延的Gualeguaychu、科连特斯、玻利维亚奥鲁罗、厄瓜多尔安巴托、Azogues、和秘鲁的卡哈马列卡等,也将有各种庆祝活动。Official festivities associated with the annual carnival are set to take place in several South American countries between 9 and 12 February; however, associated celebrations are likely to occur from 8 February onwards. In Brazil, the largest celebration is expected in Rio de Janeiro.The carnival in Barranquilla, Colombia, is also deemed to be one of the largest events in the region. Elsewhere, large celebrations are expected in Gualeguaychu and Corrientes in Argentina; Oruro in Bolivia; Guaranda, Ambato and Azogues in Ecuador; and Cajamarca in Peru.
建议在这些地区的客人应预先考虑到旅行中断的可能性,在参加狂欢节活动时,务须提高安全意识.Persons in these areas should plan for travel disruptions and are advised to exercise heightened security awareness when attending carnival events.
印度东北部特里普拉邦,将于2月14日举行议会选举, 选举期间恐怖主义威胁加剧,反政府团体有可能发起事件会导致人和公共基础设置遭受破坏.Legislative elections are due to be held on 14 February in India's north eastern state of Tripura. The elections carry an elevated threat from terrorism as related events, people and infrastructure are likely to be targeted by anti-government rebel groups.
出于安全考虑,建议客户避免前往印度东北部各州,包括特里普拉邦.目前在当地应保持低调,避免前往一切有政治动机的集会,投票站和政党办事处.客户应密切留意当地事件的发展.Due to various ongoing security concerns, red24 advises against all non-essential travel to a number of north eastern states, including Tripura. Persons currently in the state are advised to maintain a low profile and avoid all politically motivated rallies, polling stations and political party offices. Clients are further advised to monitor local developments closely.
2月6日,几内亚湾发生一起武装分子海盗事件,一名菲律宾籍公民被杀害,另有几名同行的人现正在送返途中。几内亚地湾,包括尼日利亚沿海水域在内的地区,最近频发海盗事件,导致该地区成为对于海上作业者来说最危险地区之一.6 February that armed gunmen killed a Philippine national in a piracy incident in the Gulf of Guinea, Incidents of piracy have made the Gulf of Guinea, including Nigeria's coastal waters, one of the most dangerous regions for seafarers;
建议计划到几内亚湾,或者尼日尔河三角洲地区的周边海域航行的客户,应保持警觉,并请在该地区的大使馆登记自已及他人的资料.Clients who plan to sail in the Gulf of Guinea, particularly in the waters surrounding the Niger Delta region, are advised to remain vigilant and to register their presence in the region with their relevant embassies.