国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
日本 |
青森县、宫城县、福岛县、岩手县和茨城县 |
据报道,12月7日日本仙台市东部333公里近海处发生7.3级地震 An offshore 7.3 magnitude earthquake has been reported 333km east of the city of Sendai, capital of Japan's Miyagi prefecture, on 7 December. |
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地震/海啸 |
07 DEC 2012 |
新西兰 |
奥克兰 |
当地时间12月6日上午12点左右,龙卷风袭击奥克兰西北部,造成3人丧生,多人受伤. At least three people have been killed and numerous injured when a tornado struck north west of Auckland around 12:00 local time on 6 December. |
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龙卷风/服务中断Tornado/service disruptions |
06 DEC 2012 |
印度 India |
孟买 Mumbai |
据12月5日报道,孟买国际机场已宣布主跑道将于每天9点至17点之间暂停飞行服务 Flight services on the primary runway at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, located in India's largest urban centre of Mumbai, have been suspended daily between 09:00 and 17:00 local time. | ![]() |
预定跑道关闭 |
5 DEC 2012 |
据报道,12月7日日本仙台市东部333公里近海处发生7.3级地震,目前没有发现人员伤亡和财产损失.宫城县沿海地区已发出海啸预警,青森县及沿岸地区的岩手县,福岛县和茨城县也发出海啸警告.An offshore 7.3 magnitude earthquake has been reported 333km east of the city of Sendai, capital of Japan's Miyagi prefecture, on 7 December. There have been no reports of damages or casualties. A tsunami warning has been issued for the coastal areas of Miyagi prefecture; tsunami advisories have been issued for the Pacific coast of Aomori prefecture, as well as coastal regions of Iwate, Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures.
客户应特别留意当地媒体和紧急广播频道发布的更新信息和建议.Advice: Clients are advised to monitor local media and emergency broadcast channels for updates and advisories from the local authorities.
当地时间12月6日上午12点左右,龙卷风袭击奥克兰西北部,造成3人丧生,多人受伤.风暴和大雨造成局部地区的基础设施损坏,奥克兰大都会区已发出铁路,公路和航空运输中断的预警.At least three people have been killed and numerous injured when a tornado struck north west of Auckland around 12:00 local time on 6 December. The storm and heavy rain have caused localised damage to infrastructure; disruptions to rail, road and air transport in the wider Auckland metropolitan area has been reported.
目前在受影响地区的客户应留意当地媒体和当局发布的最新安全预警和劝告.并且应预先考虑到受影响地区的运输服务及公共设施中断,包括电力,水,电信.Advice: Clients currently in the affected region are advised to monitor local media for further possible warnings and advisories from the authorities. Disruptions to transport services and utilities, including electricity, water and telecommunication, should be anticipated in the affected region.
据12月5日报道,孟买国际机场已宣布主跑道将于每天9点至17点之间暂停飞行服务,主要原因是由于定期维护雷达和其它操作设备,预定于2013年2月7日结束.Flight services on the primary runway at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, located in India's largest urban centre of Mumbai, have been suspended daily between 09:00 and 17:00 local time. Scheduled maintenance of radars and other operational equipment has been cited as the reason for the periodic closures, which are scheduled to conclude on 7 February 2013.
预计在暂停飞行服务期间,通过Chhatrapati Shivaji国际机场过境的客户,建议联系航空公司或旅行社,以确认飞行状态. Clients scheduled to transit through Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport during the affected period are advised to contact their airline or travel provider to confirm the status of their flight(s).