国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
泰国 |
曼谷 |
反政府组织Pitak Siam拟于10月28日在泰国首都曼谷Nang Lering区的皇家赛马俱乐部组织集会.The anti-government Pitak Siam group intends to hold a rally at the Royal Turf Club in the Nang Lerng district of the capital, Bangkok, on 28 October. |
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计划集会 |
28 OCT 2012 |
多个国家 |
越南和中国海南省 |
据10月26日报道,热带风暴"山神"预计在30小时内,将影响越南和中国南部的海南省.Tropical Storm Son-Tinh is forecast to affect Vietnam and China's southern Hainan province within the next 30 hours. |
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热带风暴 |
26 OCT 2012 |
法国 France |
法国 France |
法国第二大工会(CGT)呼吁法航地勤人员从10月26日开始罢工. France's second-largest trade union, the CGT, has called on Air France's ground staff to strike from 26 October. | ![]() |
罢工 |
26 OCT 2012 |
印度尼西亚 Indonesia |
西巴布亚 West Papua |
据10月23日报道,处于动荡中的印尼西巴布亚省省会马诺夸里市,发生警察和示威者之间的冲突,至少造成8人受伤. At least eight people have been injured following a clash between police and protesters in Manokwari city, the capital of Indonesia's restive West Papua province. | ![]() |
抗议冲突 Clashes at protest |
23 OCT 2012 |
反政府组织Pitak Siam拟于10月28日在泰国首都曼谷Nang Lering区的皇家赛马俱乐部组织集会.The anti-government Pitak Siam group intends to hold a rally at the Royal Turf Club in the Nang Lerng district of the capital, Bangkok, on 28 October.
客户在该地区或计划前往曼谷的,建议10月28日避免前往皇家赛马俱乐部及周边.此外,客户应留意当地新闻就该事件进展情况的报道.Advice: Clients in or planning to travel to Bangkok are advised to avoid the area around the Royal Turf Club on 28 October. Furthermore, clients should monitor local news for updates on the situation
据10月26日报道,热带风暴"山神"预计在30小时内,将影响越南和中国南部的海南省.Tropical Storm Son-Tinh is forecast to affect Vietnam and China's southern Hainan province within the next 30 hours.
建议在受影响地区的客户,请审慎行事,特别是在低洼地区和山区,并留意当地媒体发布的更新信息.Advice: Persons in the affected areas are advised to exercise caution, particularly in low-lying and mountainous areas.clients should monitor local media for updates and advisories from the authorities.
法国第二大工会(CGT)呼吁法航地勤人员从10月26日开始罢工.罢工主要是针对法航的一项重组计划,法航计划于未来三年保证整体生产力提高的情况下节省2亿欧元的开支.对此CGT号召了该航空公司约32,000名地勤人员进行罢工,因此,预计罢工将造成法国机场飞机无法正常起飞和降落.France's second-largest trade union, the CGT, has called on Air France's ground staff to strike from 26 October. The labour action is being held to protest a restructuring plan; Air France aims to save 2 billion euros over the next three years and increase overall productivity. CGT represents a majority of the airline's 32,000 ground staff and, as such, the strike is expected to cause disruptions to flights departing from and arriving in France.
有计划在10月26日起使用法国航空服务的客人,建议在出发前与航空公司或旅行社进行航班情况确认.Clients intending to use Air France services from 26 October onwards are advised to contact the airline or their travel provider prior to departure to confirm the status of their flight(s).
据10月23日报道,处于动荡中的印尼西巴布亚省省会马诺夸里市,发生警察和示威者之间的冲突,至少造成8人受伤.激进组织声称,至少有4人是受到了枪伤.At least eight people have been injured following a clash between police and protesters in Manokwari city, the capital of Indonesia's restive West Papua province. Activist groups claim that at least four of the injuries are from gunshots.
建议客户尽量不要前往西巴布亚和邻近的巴布亚岛,目前在该地区的人应格外警惕.Advice: Clients are advised against non-essential travel to West Papua and neighbouring Papua. Persons currently in the region are advised to exercise extreme vigilance