国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
意大利 |
罗马 |
当地时间10月20日10:30,意大利最大的工会组织"CGIL"在罗马的圣乔凡尼广场举行抗议集会. Italy's largest trade union, CGIL, is set to hold a protest rally in Rome's Piazza San Giovanni from 10:30 local time on 20 October. |
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抗议 |
20 OCT 2012 |
马尔代夫 |
马累 |
当地时间10月19日16:00,一个非营利性宗教组织( Muslimunge Gulhun)在马累(马尔代夫首都)的人工海滩举行示威活动. A religious non-profit organisation is set to hold a demonstration at Artificial Beach in the Maldives' capital, Male, at 16:00 local time on 19 October. |
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计划示威 |
19 OCT 2012 |
秘鲁 Peru |
圣马丁地区 San Martin region |
10月17日,圣马丁地区的埃尔波韦尼尔镇发生山体滑坡,造成至少11人死亡. At least 11 people were killed in a landslide in the town of El Porvenir, San Martin region, on 17 October. | ![]() |
滑坡 |
17 OCT 2012 |
利比亚 Libya |
巴尼瓦利德 Bani Walid |
10月17日, 巴尼瓦利德当地民兵和利比亚军队支持的亲政府民兵在利比亚发生冲突. Several people were killed and dozens of others injured during clashes between Bani Walid's local militia and Libyan troops supported by a pro-government militia in Libya on 17 October. | ![]() |
冲突 Conflict |
17 OCT 2012 |
当地时间10月20日10:30,意大利最大的工会组织"CGIL"在罗马的圣乔凡尼广场举行抗议集会. 抗议旨在反对政府放宽劳动力市场的管制. 特别是关于政府放宽雇主解雇员工的条件,以及工资和养老金结构的改变,引起了工会的强烈反对.Italy's largest trade union, CGIL, is set to hold a protest rally in Rome's Piazza San Giovanni from 10:30 local time on 20 October.The demonstration is being held in protest against government efforts to deregulate Italy's labour market. In particular, measures aimed at making it easier to dismiss employees, as well as changes to salary and pension structures, are strongly opposed by the union.
建议客户尽量避免参与所有的抗议集会. Clients are advised to avoid all protest gatherings as a precaution.
当地时间10月19日16:00,一个非营利性宗教组织( Muslimunge Gulhun)在马累(马尔代夫首都)的人工海滩举行示威活动. 该组织呼吁及要求国家制定实施死刑.A religious non-profit organisation is set to hold a demonstration at Artificial Beach in the Maldives' capital, Male, at 16:00 local time on 19 October. The organisation, called Muslimunge Gulhun, has called the rally to demand the country implements and enacts the death penalty.
建议身在马累的客户提高安全警惕,避免去人工海滩附近和参与所有大型抗议集会活动.Clients currently in Male are advised to exercise heightened situational awareness, and avoid the vicinity of Artificial Beach and all large protest gatherings as a precaution.
10月17日,圣马丁地区的埃尔波韦尼尔镇发生山体滑坡,造成至少11人死亡.该事件发生在当地黎明时分,事发后有10人失踪,山体滑坡发生的主要原因是受到近日强降雨的影响,预计未来几日在圣马丁及周边地区,包括亚马逊,洛雷托,瓦努科,拉利伯塔德和卡哈马卡将仍然降雨.At least 11 people were killed in a landslide in the town of El Porvenir, San Martin region, on 17 October. Ten people remain missing following the incident, which took place shortly after dawn and was triggered by recent heavy rainfall.Further rainfall is forecast in the coming days in San Martin and surrounding regions, including Amazonas, Loreto, Huanuco, La Libertad and Cajamarca.
前往秘鲁降雨多发地区的客人,尤其此时处在圣马丁,应警惕洪水和山体滑坡风险,特别是当行驶在沿河低洼地区或山区.此外,客户应留意当地媒体发布天气更新的情况并遵从当局的提醒.Persons in heavy rainfall-prone areas of Peru, particularly those in San Martin at this time, are advised to remain aware of the prevailing risk of flooding and landslides, particularly when travelling in low-lying areas along major rivers or in mountainous areas. In addition, clients are advised to monitor local media for weather updates and adhere to advisories issued by the local authorities.
10月17日, 巴尼瓦利德当地民兵和利比亚军队支持的亲政府民兵在利比亚发生冲突.几人致死,数人受伤.自10月初以来,巴尼瓦利德紧张局势加剧,大量的部队被部署到该镇及周围地区.Several people were killed and dozens of others injured during clashes between Bani Walid's local militia and Libyan troops supported by a pro-government militia in Libya on 17 October. Tensions have been heightened in Bani Walid and surrounds since early October when a large number of troops were deployed to the town.
建议客户尽量不要前往利比亚,在利比亚的人员应密切关注巴尼瓦利德事态的发展.Clients are advised against all non-essential travel to Libya. Persons in Libya are advised to monitor developments with regard to the situation in Bani Walid closely.