国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
多个国家 |
美洲 Americas |
10月12日是哥伦布发现美洲纪念日,在阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利,厄瓜多尔,危地马拉,洪都拉斯,墨西哥,巴拿马,秘鲁,美国和委内瑞拉将会组织纪念活动.Columbus Day (commonly referred to as Dia de la Raza) will be commemorated in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the United States and Venezuela on 12 发生内乱 |
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可能发生内乱 |
12 OCT 2012 |
菲律宾 |
卡加延德奥罗 |
10月11日,在菲律宾南部的卡加延德奥罗市发生炸弹爆炸事件造成两人死亡. A bomb blast in the southern Philippine city of Cagayan de Oro on 11 October has resulted in two fatalities. |
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炸弹爆炸Bombing |
11 OCT 2012 |
俄罗斯Russia | 达吉斯坦地区 Dagestan region |
自10月9日以来,在达吉斯坦地区因强降雨引发的山洪,造成至少7人遇难.多达1100人受水浸影响. At least seven people have been killed in the Dagestan region due to flash flooding brought on by heavy rainfall since late on 9 October. | ![]() |
洪水 |
9 OCT 2012 |
泰国 Thailand |
南部省份 Southern provinces |
据10月9日报道, 10月8日在泰国南部省份发生袭击事件,造成至少19人死亡. According to reports on 9 October, at least 19 people were killed in separate attacks throughout Thailand's southern provinces on 8 October. | ![]() |
枪击事件 Shooting incidents |
8 OCT 2012 |
10月12日是哥伦布发现美洲纪念日,在阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利,厄瓜多尔,危地马拉,洪都拉斯,墨西哥,巴拿马,秘鲁,美国和委内瑞拉将会组织纪念活动.Columbus Day (commonly referred to as Dia de la Raza) will be commemorated in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the United States and Venezuela on 12 October.
建议客户在当天应保持低调,应避免参与所有抗议活动和大型集会,以及尽量不要前往上述地区旅游.clients are advised to maintain a low profile on the day, and should avoid all protests and large gatherings as well as any unnecessary travel to the aforementioned areas..
10月11日,在菲律宾南部的卡加延德奥罗市发生炸弹爆炸事件造成两人死亡. 事件于当地时间1点50左右在该市东北部的Maxandrea酒店周围一枚自制炸弹被引爆.近旁的两人被炸死,两名警察受伤.目前没有声明该事故的责任方.A bomb blast in the southern Philippine city of Cagayan de Oro on 11 October has resulted in two fatalities. The blast occurred when a homemade bomb exploded near the Maxandrea Hotel in the north eastern part of the city around 01:50 local time. Two bystanders were killed and two police officers injured. There have been no claims of responsibility for the blast.
出于安全考虑,建议客户不要前往棉兰老岛旅游.在该地区或计划前往该地区的客户须要提高安全意识,特别是在人多拥挤的地方和治安,警察聚集地及军事设施附近,这些地方都有可能成为被袭击的目标.Due to various security concerns, clients are advised against all travel to Mindanao. Persons in or planning to travel to the area are advised to exercise heightened security awareness, particularly in crowded areas and near concentrations of security force personnel, police and military facilities, which are considered possible targets.
自10月9日以来,在达吉斯坦地区因强降雨引发的山洪,造成至少7人遇难.多达1100人受水浸影响.许多人被迫转移至临时疏散中心.受灾最严重的地区是在市中心杰尔宾特和Sabnava, 前者已宣布进入紧急状态.At least seven people have been killed in the Dagestan region due to flash flooding brought on by heavy rainfall since late on 9 October. As many as 1,100 people have been directly affected by the flooding to date, many of whom have been forced to seek shelter in temporary evacuation centres. The worst affected areas are in the urban centres of Derbent and Sabnava; a state of emergency has been declared in the former.
建议在达吉斯坦地区的客户应谨慎行事,尤其是在洪水易发和低洼地区,并应留意当地媒体和当局发布的最新信息.Advice: Clients in the Dagestan region should exercise caution, particularly in flood-prone and low-lying areas, and are advised to monitor local media for developments and advisories from the authorities.
据10月9日报道, 10月8日在泰国南部省份发生袭击事件,造成至少19人死亡.其中在北大年府疑似伊斯兰武装分子和安全部队之间发生冲突,导致至少11人死亡. 此外,至少有8人被疑似因宗派暴力致死. According to reports on 9 October, at least 19 people were killed in separate attacks throughout Thailand's southern provinces on 8 October. At least 11 people died in clashes between suspected Islamist militants and security forces in Pattani province, following an ambush on the vehicle in which the security forces were travelling. In addition, at least eight people were killed in separate incidents of suspected sectarian violence.
建议客户不要前往也拉,那拉提瓦府,宋卡府和北大年府的旅游.目前在该地区人士应提高安全意识,并加大安全措施.clients are advised against all travel to the provinces of Yala, Narathiwat, Songkhla and Pattani.
Persons currently in the area should exercise heightened security awareness and implement robust security measures.