国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
日本 |
琉球群岛 Ryukyu islands |
据9月14日报道,热带风暴"Sanba"预计在33小时内影响日本的琉球群岛南部. 当前评估风暴为5级.Tropical Storm Sanba is expected to begin affecting Japan's southern Ryukyu islands within the next 33 hours. The storm system, which is currently rated as a Category 5. |
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热带风暴 |
14 SEP 2012 |
多个国家 |
中东、非洲和亚洲 |
9月14日恰逢穆斯林月中祈祷日,反美抗议活动威胁加剧,遍及北非,非洲撒哈拉以南,中东和亚洲.There is an increased threat of anti-US protests across North Africa, parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Asia on 14 September coinciding with Muslim mid-day prayers. |
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可能的反美抗议活动 |
14 SEP 2012 |
巴基斯坦 Pakistan |
俾路支省 Balochistan |
(更新)自9月12日以来,巴基斯坦俾路支省因大雨和引发的洪水灾害,造成至少30人死亡. (Update) At least 30 people have been killed in heavy rain and subsequent flooding in Pakistan's Balochistan province since 12 September. | ![]() |
洪水 |
12 SEP 2012 |
印度 India |
阿萨姆 Assam |
自9月11日以来,印度北部阿萨姆因暴雨和引发的洪水,已造成25万人受到影响,并导致旅行中断. Heavy rain and subsequent flooding in India's north eastern Assam state since 11 September have affected over 250,000 people and resulted in disruptions to travel. | ![]() |
洪水 Floods |
11 SEP 2012 |
据9月14日报道,热带风暴"Sanba"预计在33小时内影响日本的琉球群岛南部. 当前评估风暴为5级.Tropical Storm Sanba is expected to begin affecting Japan's southern Ryukyu islands within the next 33 hours. The storm system, which is currently rated as a Category 5.
建议在受影响地区的客户要小心行事,特别是在地势低洼的沿海地区.并留意当地媒体发布更新情况及当局的劝告.Clients in the affected region are advised to exercise caution, particularly in low-lying and coastal areas. Clients are further advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories from the authorities.
9月14日恰逢穆斯林月中祈祷日,反美抗议活动威胁加剧,遍及北非,非洲撒哈拉以南,中东和亚洲.There is an increased threat of anti-US protests across North Africa, parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Asia on 14 September coinciding with Muslim mid-day prayers.
建议客户,尤其是美国公民,要小心行事,并留意当地最新情况的发展.Advice: Clients, particularly US nationals, are advised to exercise caution and should monitor local developments closely.
(更新)自9月12日以来,巴基斯坦俾路支省因大雨和引发的洪水灾害,造成至少30人死亡.受影响最严重的地区包括Naseerabad和Jafferabad,约500个村庄被淹没.未经证实的报告指出,在这些地区多达300人仍下落不明.(Update) At least 30 people have been killed in heavy rain and subsequent flooding in Pakistan's Balochistan province since 12 September. Worst-affected districts include Naseerabad and Jafferabad, where approximately 500 villages have been inundated. Unconfirmed reports indicate that up to 300 people remain missing in these districts.
由于安全考虑,建议客户避免前往巴基斯坦旅行,在该国的客户,应留意当地媒体的更新报告及劝告.Due to a number of ongoing security concerns, all travel to Pakistan is advised against. Clients in the country are advised to monitor local media for further updates and advisories.
自9月11日以来,印度北部阿萨姆因暴雨和引发的洪水,已造成25万人受到影响,并导致旅行中断.受灾最严重的地区位于北部的Dhemaji和勒金布尔.目前尚未有人员伤亡报告.Heavy rain and subsequent flooding in India's north eastern Assam state since 11 September have affected over 250,000 people and resulted in disruptions to travel. Worst-affected districts are Dhemaji and Lakhimpur, located in the north of the state. There have been no reports of casualties thus far.
由于安全考虑,建议避免前往阿萨姆.目前在阿萨姆的客户应密切留意当地天气发展的变化及当局发布的公告.此外,客户在洪水易发地区,特别是低洼地区,应小心行事.Due to a number of ongoing security concerns, all non-essential travel to Assam is advised against. Clients currently in Assam are advised to monitor weather developments closely and should heed any advisories issued by local authorities. Furthermore, clients are advised to exercise caution in flood-prone areas, particularly low-lying areas.