国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
韩国 |
首尔 Seoul |
据8月30日报道,韩国最大伞式组织民主劳动组合总联盟(简称KCTU),准备8月31日在首尔抗议集会. South Korea's largest umbrella union, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), has stated its intention to hold a protest rally in the capital, Seoul, on 31 August. |
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抗议/总罢工 |
30 AUG 2012 |
美国 |
路易斯安州 |
据8月29日报道,热带风暴艾萨克登陆路易斯安那州造成停电,至少有25万人受此影响. At least 250,000 people have been affected by power outages across south east Louisiana as Tropical Storm Isaac makes landfall. |
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停电 |
29 AUG 2012 |
印度 India |
新德里 Delhi |
据8月29日报道,印度首都新德里,受雨季影响导致整个城市交通中断. Monsoon rains in India's capital, Delhi, have resulted in transport disruptions across the city. | ![]() |
交通中断 |
29 AUG 2012 |
加拿大 Canada |
魁北克 Quebec |
据8月27日报道,在加拿大东部魁北克省,至少有8人死亡和104人被确诊“军团"病.大部分的感染报告来自省会魁北克. At least eight fatalities and 104 confirmed cases of Legionnaires' disease have been reported in Canada's eastern province of Quebec. | ![]() |
疾病爆发 Disease outbreak |
27 AUG 2012 |
据8月30日报道,韩国最大伞式组织民主劳动组合总联盟(简称KCTU),准备8月31日在首尔抗议集会.此次抗议活动主要是要求结束非正规工人和修订现行的劳动法.预计大约20,000个来自全国各地的抗议活动参与者聚集在首都.South Korea's largest umbrella union, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), has stated its intention to hold a protest rally in the capital, Seoul, on 31 August. The protest has been called to demand an end to irregular workers and a revision of existing labour laws. The union expects approximately 20,000 protest participants from all over the country to gather in the capital on the day.
客户在或计划前往韩国的,建议留意当地媒体发布关于计划抗议行动的报道.如果抗议继续进行,客户应预先考虑到交通和商业运作将有可能中断.Clients in or planning to travel to South Korea are advised to monitor local media for updates regarding the planned strike action. Should the general strike proceed, clients should anticipate significant disruptions to transport and business operations.
据8月29日报道,热带风暴艾萨克登陆路易斯安那州造成停电,至少有25万人受此影响.由于强风和暴雨的影响,电力中断在短期内仍持续,预计设施维修人员开始修补的时间不迟于8月30日. At least 250,000 people have been affected by power outages across south east Louisiana as Tropical Storm Isaac makes landfall. The outages are expected to continue in the short-term as strong winds and rain brought by the storm prevent repair crews from attending to damaged power infrastructure; repairs are expected to begin by no later than 30 August.
建议在受影响地区的客户,应留意当地媒体发布的最新报道和当局的安全忠告.进一步的天气更新和警告,也可以从国家气象网站了解.Clients in the affected region are advised to monitor local media for updates and advisories from the relevant authorities. Further weather updates and warnings are also available from the National Weather Service website (http://weather.gov/).
据8月29日报道,印度首都新德里,受雨季影响导致整个城市交通中断.大雨是8月27日开始的,已经淹没道路,造成部分城市的道路中断.如新德里通往附近城镇诺伊达,古尔冈和法里达巴德.至少有12个国内城市起飞的航班也被取消,一些国际航班被推迟.Monsoon rains in India's capital, Delhi, have resulted in transport disruptions across the city. Heavy rains, which began on 27 August, have inundated roads, causing severe disruptions to road travel in parts of the city. Roads linking Delhi to the nearby towns of Noida, Gurgaon and Faridabad are also experiencing disruptions. At least 12 domestic flights departing the city have been cancelled and some international flights are experiencing delays.
建议在新德里的客户,应考虑到整个城市有可能出现重大交通中断的情况,有意愿通过公路和铁路前往受影响地区的人士,出发应咨询旅行供应商了解更新情况.Clients in Delhi should anticipate significant transport disruptions throughout the city. Persons intending to travel via road or rail in the affected areas are advised to consult with their travel provider prior to departure.
据8月27日报道,在加拿大东部魁北克省,至少有8人死亡和104人被确诊“军团"病.大部分的感染报告来自省会魁北克.水冷却塔已被确定为最有可能是爆发疾病的来源.At least eight fatalities and 104 confirmed cases of Legionnaires' disease have been reported in Canada's eastern province of Quebec. Most of the infections have been reported in the provincial capital, Quebec City. Water cooling towers have been identified as the most likely source of the outbreak.
在魁北克省的客户,应留意当地媒体对疾病爆发的更新报道,并应考虑使用瓶装水,以预防感染"军团"病.如果出现这种疾病的症状,应立即就医.Clients in Quebec are advised to monitor local media for updates on the disease outbreak and should consider making use of bottled water as a precaution against contracting Legionnaires' disease. Clients who develop symptoms of the disease are advised to seek medical attention immediately.