国家或地区 | 城市或地区 | 摘 要 | 原 文 | 事 件 | 时 间 |
意大利 |
意大利航空公司和Air Vallee |
意大利航空公司和Air Vallee的飞行员和机组人员将于当地时间1月25日分别举行四小时罢工行动. Pilots and cabin crew of Italy's national carrier, Alitalia, and regional airline, Air Vallee, are set to hold separate four-hour strikes on 25 January. |
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飞行中断 |
25 JAN 2013 |
叙利亚 |
Ras al-Ain |
1月23日, 伊斯兰好战分子和库尔德民兵在叙利亚北部城市RAS AL-AIN发生冲突,该冲突已持续一周,已造成约56人死亡.Clashes between Islamist militants and Kurd militia are reportedly ongoing in Syria's northern town of Ras al-Ain on 23 January. |
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持续的冲突 |
23 JAN 2013 |
土耳其 Turkey |
马尔丁 Mardin |
1月22日,在土耳其马尔丁省东北约67公里的Midyat区,土耳其武装部队与疑似库尔德分裂主义武装分子发生武装冲突,6名疑似分子已被击毙。 At least six suspected Kurdish separatist militants were killed during clashes with the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in Turkey's south eastern province of Mardin on 22 January. | ![]() |
冲突 |
22 JAN 2013 |
希腊 Greece |
雅典 Athens |
据1月22日报道,雅典运输工人罢工行动将持续至1月23日和24日. Transport workers in Greece's capital, Athens, have extended their strike action for an additional 48 hours on 23 and 24 January. | ![]() |
罢工 Strike action |
23 JAN 2013 |
意大利航空公司和Air Vallee的飞行员和机组人员将于当地时间1月25日分别举行四小时罢工行动. Air Vallee员工罢工定于14:00至18:00之间,意大利航空公司员工罢工在12:00至16:00之间,除已知航班中断外,预计其它航班也将受到影响.Pilots and cabin crew of Italy's national carrier, Alitalia, and regional airline, Air Vallee, are set to hold separate four-hour strikes on 25 January. Air Vallee employees are scheduled to strike between 14:00 and 18:00 local time and Alitalia employees will strike between 12:00 and 16:00. Flight disruptions are expected to continue outside of the scheduled work stoppages due to a backlog of flights.
计划1月25日前往意大利的人,特别是打算使用意大利航空公司和Air Vallee服务的,应在出行前与航空公司或旅行社打听航班状态.Persons transiting through Italy on 25 January, specifically those intending to use Alitalia and Air Vallee services, are advised to contact the airline or their travel provider prior to departure to enquire about the status of their flight(s).
1月23日, 伊斯兰好战分子和库尔德民兵在叙利亚北部城市RAS AL-AIN发生冲突,该冲突已持续一周,已造成约56人死亡.Clashes between Islamist militants and Kurd militia are reportedly ongoing in Syria's northern town of Ras al-Ain on 23 January. The week-long violence has left approximately 56 people dead.
出于安全考虑,建议客户不要前往叙利亚. 已身处该国的人员,应尽早安全撤离.Due to a number of security concerns, clients are advised against all travel to Syria. Persons in the country are advised to depart where safe to do so.
1月22日,在土耳其马尔丁省东北约67公里的Midyat区,土耳其武装部队与疑似库尔德分裂主义武装分子发生武装冲突,6名疑似分子已被击毙。据武装分子在该地区的军事行动,预计在未来一段时间该地区将持续发生冲突.At least six suspected Kurdish separatist militants were killed during clashes with the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in Turkey's south eastern province of Mardin on 22 January. The clashes reportedly occurred in the Midyat area, located approximately 67km north east of the city of Mardin, during a military offensive targeting militant operations in the region; the military operation in the Midyat area is expected to continue in the coming days.
建议客户尽量不要前往该地区的一些省份,包括马尔丁省.在受影响地区的人士,应采取可靠的安全性措施,避免郊外出行.clients are advised against non-essential travel to a number of provinces in the region, including Mardin. Persons in the affected area are advised to adopt robust security measures, avoid travel outside of major urban centres.
据1月22日报道,雅典运输工人罢工行动将持续至1月23日和24日.1月23日,地铁服务将暂停使用,电车和Piraeus-Kifissia城市轨道交通系统只在当地时间11:00至16:00提供运营服务.1月24日,巴士和无轨电车服务在当地时间11:00至17:00期间暂停运营.Transport workers in Greece's capital, Athens, have extended their strike action for an additional 48 hours on 23 and 24 January. Metro services will be suspended; tram and Piraeus-Kifissia urban railway (ISAP) systems will run limited operations between 11:00 and 16:00 local time on 23 January. On 24 January, bus and trolleybus services will be disrupted between 11:00 and 17:00 due to a scheduled work stoppage.
在雅典的客人应预先考虑到在受影响的日子,公共交通服务将受影响.建议客户应留意当地媒体发布有关未来公共交通罢工的情况.Persons in Athens should anticipate disruptions to public transport services on the affected dates.Clients are advised to monitor local media for announcements on future public transport strikes in the capital.